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Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is the group in our church who is given the honor to serve God by maintaining and preparing the Altar and its furnishings.  This includes the communion linens, wine, banners, eternal light, decorations, flowers and candles. 

New Members are always welcome and needed!
In your offering box, there is a Flower Fund envelope.  If you would like to beautify God’s house by donating towards the flowers on the Altar, please see the flower chart in the Narthex.  Flowers can be donated in memory of loved ones, to celebrate special occasions (birthdays, anniversary, etc.) or to give thanks to God.    A suggested donation of $25 per bouqet can be placed in the flower fund envelope and placed in the offering plate, however any request will be honored.  If no special request is made, the donation will help defray the cost of the Altar needs.  Thank you!