- Our Redeemer's Food Pantry needs your help. If you can spare 1 hour per month to help assist needy families in our community by handing out groceries to them. Our Food Pantry is open on Fridays from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Please contact Linda Ryan (631) 334-1069.
Donations of food are always welcome! Non-perishable canned goods, pastas, sauces, cereals, juices and healthy snacks are always needed. Call the office: (631) 722-4000 to arrange to drop off donations or put in the shopping cart in the narthex when you come Sunday morning for worship!
- TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANTS: Can you help make our services sound great? Be a soundboard tech. See Pastor Byer or Audrey Grathwohl.
USHERS NEEDED: We are in need of Ushers for our services. If you are interested in helping, please speak to Pastor Byer.
LAY READERS NEEDED: If you are male, 18 years of age or older, and would like to serve as a lay reader at the service you attend, please call Pastor Byer.